Ranger school: request for vids
I've been seeing a lot of threads here full of hot debate about whether rangers are any good, and a lot of other threads of vids showing people how to effectively farm, so I'm wondering if we can't combine them. Are there any people out there who play rangers (and feel they play them well) who'd be willing to post vids of their Arena or HoH (or PvE?) matches so those of us wanna-be-kickass-rangers can watch and learn? AND to show those people who claim rangers suck the truth about the class's potential? Proof!
I'm anxiously awaiting the arena observation mode I've heard is coming somewhere down the road, and am thinking maybe this would be a stopgap. It could be useful for ANY class, I'm sure, but since I play a ranger primary that's what I'm interested in.
I'll download FRAPS and let it run, but since I'm still learning and get my ass handed to me about as often as I do the handing, I'm not sure I have much of value to contribute (except maybe to Rangers sub lvl-10).